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Jeje the Little Girl and the Dolphins

Jeje the Little Girl and the Dolphins

In a small village near the beach, there lived a little girl named Jeje. Jeje was known to be kind and helpful to everyone. She often spent time at the beach, playing with the sand, picking up rubbish to keep it clean, and watching the waves come and go.

One morning, Jeje walked to the beach as usual. The air was fresh and the sea looked calm. But as he approached the water, he saw something moving around ………………

Mr. Crocodile and Eagle in the Mangrove Forest

Mr. Crocodile and Eagle in the Mangrove Forest

On a sunny morning in the mangrove forest, the sun’s rays filter through the leaves and reach every corner of the mangrove trees. The water is gently gurgling, and various forest animals are starting their day. In the middle of a small stream lives Pak Buaya, an old crocodile who is known to be wise, but is often considered intimidating by other animals because of his sharp teeth and large body.

On the highest branch of a mangrove tree, a young eagle named Kiko was observing the surroundings. Kiko has just learnt …………..

The Wise Snake and the Monkey

The Wise Snake and the Monkey

In a dense mangrove forest, there lived a variety of animals who were often busy with their own business. Among them, there was a little monkey named Timi who was notoriously nosy. Timi was always jumping from one branch to another, annoying the other animals with his pranks.

One day, when the river water in the mangrove forest was low, Timi found ……………..

The Origin of Soka Crab

The Origin of Soka Crab

In a small village by the sea, there lived an old fisherman named Pak Rawi. Pak Rawi was known to be kind and always respected the sea, because he knew that the sea was the source of life for many creatures, including himself. Every morning, he went out to sea in his small boat, catching fish and crabs to sell at the market.

One morning, when the tide was low, Pak Rawi walked along the beach to check his net. Suddenly, he saw a small crab whose body looked different from the usual crabs…………………

Why the Biola crab is called the guardian of the sea

Why the Biola crab is called the guardian of the sea

One day, the underwater kingdom was in big trouble. A huge wave came in, carrying lots of human rubbish that damaged the coral reefs and clogged the fish houses. All the sea creatures panicked, and the Sea King, a big, wise octopus, gathered all the sea dwellers to find a solution.

‘We must clean up this sea so that we can live in peace again,’ said the Sea King. ‘But there is so much rubbish, we need someone strong to lead the clean-up.’   …………………….


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