What we can do
- Acting as a project developer to implement blue carbon-, agroforestry carbon- and forest conservation projects through pre-finance mechanism and carbon share.
- As a foundation to implement grant projects on climate adaptation, species and habitat conservation, community development, professional training and scientific research, and run CSR programs.
- In collaboration with a company and local government to register climate change mitigation- and forest conservation projects for carbon markets at the National Registry System (SRN).
- Distributing grant funds to communities in need of subsidies for disaster management, education, food and health assistance, environmental improvement and other social activities without being charged management fees.

We have implemented projects on GHG emission reductions through Afforestation, Reforestation and Revegetation (ARR) in degraded coastal- and watershed ecosystem, and through forest conservation. The VCU conservative value for blue carbon project is 39.53 tCO2e ha-1 yr-1 and for agroforestry carbon project is 32.34 tCO2e ha-1 yr-1.
We also conduct various activities to increase adaptation level of local communities in responding to the impacts of climate change. The project objective is to strengthen the climatic resilience of local communities (women and men) and ecosystem resilience in most vulnerable coastal- and watershed areas.
We run projects on species and habitat conservation since the organization was established, especially on Sumatran elephant conservation. The conservation action is not only conducted in terrestrial forests but also in coastal areas (mangrove ecosystem), and marine habitat (coral reef- and seagrass conservation).
Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation (MRE) is based on IPCC procedures. The impacts of each project are also measured based on Key Performance Index (KPI); Climate, Community and Biodiversity (CCB) and Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicators
To support a good quality of projects, Yagasu conducts various scientific research on carbon accounting of blue carbon and agroforestry carbon; CCB study and SDG assessment to measure the impacts of the projects; and conduct other field assessment for specific purpose
To build long-term community commitment, we conduct various green economic development activities. We facilitate sustainable Community Income Generation (CIG) on high quality cash crops (organic coffee, cacao, etc), fishery products, organic batik and eco-tourism.
Since established, we have actively participated on natural disaster response in many places.
In collaboration with government institution, we mobilize captive elephants to assist in removal of debris following the Aceh’s tsunami disaster.
We conducted partnership program on research, student internship, training, workshop, etc. that participated by national and international organizations and individuals. These share knowledges strengthen our capacity and build networks with experts, NGOs and companies.
We conduct mobile environmental education and awareness program on climate change issues, disaster prevention, biodiversity conservation, etc. We also establish permanent education facilities “Sekolah Alam” in Aceh, Medan, Bandung and Situbondo.
Universal Journal of Agricultural Research 10(1): 1-19, 2022
DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2022.100101
Mangrove Carbon Accounting Research
Ecosystem Carbon Stocks of Restored Mangroves and Its Sequestration in Northern Sumatra Coast, Indonesia
Bambang Suprayogi 1,*, J. Purbopuspito 2, Meilinda S Harefa 3, G. Y. Panjaitan 4, Z. Nasution 5
Our research finding showed the average (2-30 years) mangrove ecosystem carbon in Northern Sumatra estimated by D30 2H allometry (362.0 MgC ha-1) was higher than that estimated by D30 allometry (344.1MgC ha-1). This higher trend was also followed by its carbon sequestration with values of 41.1 MgCO2e ha-1 yr-1 estimated by D30 2H allometry and 31.5 MgCO2e ha-1 yr-1 estimated by D30 allometry.
At the CBD conference in China, Yagasu received the UNCBD “100+ Global Noteworthy Practices” award in 2021 for our success in establishing a Coastal Carbon and Biodiversity Corridor (CCBC) along 821 km of the East Coast of North Sumatra and Aceh Provinces.