Yagasu conducts carbon accounting, scientific research and R&D on green products

Carbon and Biodiversity Research Unit (CBRU). Yagasu managed CBRU in 10 ha secondary mangrove forest in North Sumatra since 2009. Yagasu established permanent 21 plots using “systematic sampling with random start” for long-term carbon and biodiversity monitoring at CBRU. Each sampling plot consist of 4 permanent poles that form a square of 20 x 20 m. Yagasu hired local communities to oversight, monitor and guard the CBRU through weekly patrol and monitoring activity.
The target of carbon monitoring included tree growth and soil samples and then to be analyzed for carbon stocks. While the biodiversity monitoring included new growth of mangrove species, mammals, reptiles, amphibian, fishes, birds and macro-benthos and other biological parameters. There are 9 species mangroves routinely being monitored, such as Avicennia alba, A. marina, A. officinalis, Bruguiera parviflora, Bruguiera sexangula, Excoecaria agallocha, Lumnitzera racemosa and Rhizophora apiculata and R. mucronata. Moreover, the monitoring of fauna include 21 species birds, 6 species amphibians and reptiles, 5 species mammals, 17 species fishes, 9 invertebrates (crab, shrimp, king crab, cuttlefish, jellyfish), and 23 species macro-zoo-benthos (shell, snail, worm). Special attention was given to the 2 species of birds that are globally endangered according to IUCN red-list, such as Rhopodytes sumatranus (Chestnut-bellied Malkoha) and Cyornis turcosus (Malaysian Blue Flycatcher).
The students and green teachers used the CBRU as field laboratory for biological and environmental studies. The university students from local universities also conducted various research for their thesis. Our consultants, researches and experts on carbon, climate and biodiversity have also involved in teaching and conducting research at CBRU. Reguler data collection from this site is important to understand the growth and evolution of mangrove carbon and biodiversity evolution in the mangrove ecosystem.
R&D on green products. The project facilitated local communities to proceed mangrove resources for foods and beverages: Soneratia spp for syrup, jam and candy-jelly; Avicennia spp for various cakes and cookies; Nypa fruticans for pudding, palm-sugar, vinegar and tobacco paper; Acanthus ilicifolius for herbal tea; and Bruguiera gymnorhiza as rice mixed supplement. Based on our proximate analysis of Avicenia marina consist of protein (4.83%), fat (0.24%), carbohydrate (25.25%), amylase (17%), water (37.15%) and vitamin C (70.6 mg). Mangrove fruits consist of bioactive compounds: alkaloid, flavonoid, fenol, terpenoid, steroid, saponin and tanin. Moreover, Yagasu also conducted join-research on the use of mangroves for the natural color of organic batik. Working in collaboration with Muhammadiyah University in Malang, Yagasu conducted R&D on mangrove and coastal food processing. The combined mangrove fruits and fishery products are developed as a granule rice. This high protein and non-gluten rice will be distributed to the villages for anti-stunting foods for poor families.
Our research findings are used as a foundation and basis of our works in addressing climate change, environmental protection and green sustainable development. The findings provide qualified and reliable information to take informed decision for the project to pass carbon- and CCB/SDG certifications, and for scientific publications. The carbon research and CCB study in our project sites show a strong correlation between carbon, climate, biodiversity, environment, and livelihoods impacts.
Carbon accounting. Yagasu conducted scientific research on serial ages (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 30 years old) of mangrove carbon stocks and its sequestration. The field data collection used the destructive and non-destructive methods. Soil samples for Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) were collected using soil auger at the 0 – 15 cm; 15 – 30 cm; 30 – 50 cm; 50 – 100 cm and >100 cm soil depth. The sediment factors: soil tecture, soil particles (% clay, silt and sand), soil temperature (0C), Redox-ORP, salinity (ppt) and soil pH are collected to study the correlation of sediment factors to the carbon growth of mangroves. The local climate parameters: air temperature (0C), air humidity (%), sun-shine duration (%) and rain fall (mm) were also measured to understand the correlation of carbon growth and local climate parameters.
Carbon research on restoration mangrove
Projects Activity
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Concept & Details
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