Training On Mangrove-based Foods Processing By Yagasu: Empowering Women In Coastal Communities

Yagasu – Yagasu provided training on mangrove-based food products processing for women in coastal communities in Pulau Kampai Village, Pangkalan Susu, Langkat, North Sumatra in Thursday, 18 November 2021.

Yagasu’s Social and Business Manager, Jodi Akbar, explained that this program aims to facilitate women in coastal areas in Pulau Kampai Village training on mangrove-based food processing. The program included mangrove-based foods processing into syrup, candy, jam and chips.

This activity is also one of the focuses of Yagasu’s main vision which is maintaining the sustainability of the mangrove ecosystem by providing new economic resources for coastal communities. By utilizing mangrove resources, coastal communities can improve their entrepreneurial skills.

This program involved 7 Yagasu team members, 12 village officials, and 21 women of Pulau Kampai coastal communities. The event started with a speech by the Head of Pulau Kampai Village. He welcomed the arrival of Yagasu team and appreciated this program because it would be very beneficial for the women of Pulau Kampai village.

(The Head of Pulau Kampai Village is giving a speech at the training on mangrove fruits and leaves processing by Yagasu)

The training was divided into several sessions. The first session was training on processing Prepat fruit into syrup, followed by processing the Prepat fruit into candy and jam. The last one is training on processing Jeruju leaves into chips.

(Yagasu team was giving training on mangrove-based food processing to Women of Pulau Kampai coastal communities)

The participants were very enthusiastic to practice what the trainers had exemplified. Yagasu hopes that after this training they can start a business utilizing mangrove sources and become a new source of income for them.

(The participants were practicing to their skills in processing mangrove-based ingredients into chips)


About Yagasu

Yagasu (Yayasan Gajah Sumatra) is a Non-Governmental Organization with over 21 years of practical experiences on biodiversity conservation, ecosystem restoration and protection, climate change mitigation and adaptation, capacity building, environmental education and local economic reconstruction through the facilitation of generating income for local communities on green livelihoods. Established on July 17, 2001, the organization initial concernwas Sumatra’s elephant conservation. In 2006, Yagasu changed its management structure and officially registered with Yagasu Aceh as its legal name. In recent years, yagasu has been focused on restoring mangrove restoration, environment and climate change, and local community empowerment in Aceh, North Sumatra, East Java, and Wet Java Province.

For Further Information:

Yagasu Head Office

Jalan Sei Batu Gingging No. 69

Kel. PB Selayang I, Kec. Medan Selayang, Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia

20131 (Postal Code)

Telephone 62-61-4503773

Instagram: @yagasuaceh

Twitter: @yagasuaceh

Facebook: Yagasu