Yagasu Conducts the Planting of Mangroves and the Spreading of Vaname Shrimp Seeds
Alongside the KKP Secretary General, Yagasu Conducts the Planting of Mangroves and The Spreading of Vaname Shrimp Seeds for First Time in The East Aceh National Shrimp Farm Cluster Model
Medan, Februari 2021, East Aceh is well-known for the potential of its nature, especially in the marine and fisheries sector, due to its direct proximity to the Malacca Strait. The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan, KKP) built national shrimp farm cluster models in East Aceh with consideration to the unpolluted land, a condition that makes it ideal for the development of shrimp fisheries. Adequate facilities and infrastructure such as roads, electricity, and irrigation channel further solidified the decision to construct the national shrimp farm cluster model in Aceh Timur.
Monday, December 28, 2021 Yagasu, in an event attended directly by Program Director Meilinda Suriani Harefa, alongside the Secretary General (Sekjen) of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) and Commissioner General (Komjen) Mr. Antam Novambar and their entourage spread Vaname Perdana shrimp seeds and planted mangroves in the national shrimp ponds Cluster Model in East Aceh, to the tune of 1.5 hectares of mangroves being planted in the East Aceh national shrimp farm cluster. Rayeuk, East Idi district. Also attending were the Regent of East Aceh and the Chairperson of the East Aceh DPRD, the heads of the Host Government Offices in East Aceh and the Head of the Brackish Water Cultivation Fishery Center Ujung Batee M. Tahang and staff who served as committee in the implementation of this activity.
Anton Syahputra Siregar, the Yagasu Manager of Restoration, said that planting mangroves in national shrimp farm clusters is done with the aim of developing Silvofishery ponds as an alternative to maintaining mangrove forests. Mangrove plants possess root systems that protrudes from the ground, a system called breathing roots which are good for binding mud and neutralizing chemicals so that food waste from cluster ponds can be fed to the silvofishery pond. This means that the mangroves growing inside the silvofishery ponds can serve as a good filtration system for the fisheries.
Anton further explained that the mangrove ecosystem also plays an integral part in the carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur cycles. Mangroves are also able to prevent coastal abrasion, especially when the farm cluster is positioned so closely to the beach. The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), through the Directorate General of aquaculture, developed a shrimp farm cluster model in Gampong Matang Rayeuk, East Aceh regency. The model spans 5,1 hectares and will be equipped with facilities such as tendon basins, raw water distribution tanks, maintenance plots, disposal and harvesting channels, as well as a Wastewater Management Installation (Instalasi Pengelolaan Air Limbah, IPAL). It is a huge honor for Yagasu to be able to participate in this activity.