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Yagasu Mangrove Fest, 20-21 December 2024
Wrapping Up Year 2024 With a theme “Hundred roots, Million lives” Yagasu has been working for 23 years on mangrove restoration and protection on the coast of Sumatra and building collaborations with various related parties. The Mangrove Fest activity was held for 2 days: Day 1: Mangrove cruiser to the Yagasu restoration site and the […]
Agroforestry Training And Carbon Stock Research Held By Yagasu And GEI
YAGASU and GEI (Global Environmental International) held an Agroforestry Training with the theme Agroforestry Camp ‘Enhancing Ecosystem Resilience and Livelihoods’ which was held on 22-25 October 2024 in West Java. Where the place is a lot of Agroforestry planting patterns and suitable for holding camping as well as training, so that training while enjoying the […]
Agroforestry Land Management Training
In an effort to protect dwindling natural resources, agroforestry training is one important way to conserve them. Agroforestry is a cropping system that combines the planting of forestry trees, agricultural crops, and livestock in one field. This system has been practised for generations by local communities in Indonesia, but over time, this practice has begun […]
Coastal Community Resilience Workshop in East Java
The importance of developing coastal community resilience, YAGASU (Indonesia) and GEI (China) together with partners from the East and Southeast Asia Community Conservation Network (EASACCN) again facilitated regional collaboration in marine and coastal conservation through a workshop with the theme “Coastal Community Resilience”. This activity designed in the form of training and filed visits to […]
Yagasu Sets Sail on Education with Free School Boat Launch in Pulau Kampai
Langkat District, Indonesia – On July 29th, 2024, Yayasan Gajah Sumatra (Yagasu), a leading environmental and social organization, celebrated a momentous occasion: the official launch of the Free School Boat for students in Pulau Kampai, Indonesia. This initiative, a collaborative effort between Yagasu, Global Mangrove Trust, OxCarbon, and Marex, promises a brighter future for the […]
Reviewing Mangrove Projects in West Sumatra
West Sumatra (June 2024)—Yayasan Gajah Sumatera (Yagasu) is proud to welcome VNV Advisory to one of the mangrove restoration project locations in West Sumatra. This visit is part of a collaborative effort to uphold the conservation of the mangrove ecosystem in partnership with the local community. The mangrove restoration project run by Yagasu with the […]
Commemoration of The World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought Day
Sutera, West Sumatra – In commemoration of World Land Degradation and Drought Day, YAGASU, which focuses on mangrove restoration and empowerment of coastal communities, held a mangrove planting activity. This event was held with the support of program partners, including VNV, Sumitomo, and BeFLAT Services. This activity involved the active participation of the local government, […]
Yagasu Officially Joins the Circular Bioeconomy Alliance
Yayasan Gajah Sumatera (Yagasu) has officially joined the Circular Bioeconomy Alliance, a global network engaged in funding bioeconomy programs. This step shows Yagasu’s commitment to actively preserving the environment and improving community welfare through sustainable programs. The joining of Yagasu and the Circular Bioeconomy Alliance is expected to result in collaboration towards a greener future […]
The Conservation Dialogue, KVT Study Program of IPB With Yayasan Gajah Sumatera
Bogor – Friday (18/05), The Postgraduate Student Association of the Tropical Biodiversity Conservation Study Program (KVT) at Institut Pertanian Bogor organized a conservation dialogue in collaboration with various partners, including YAGASU, an environmental institution focused on land conservation, climate adaptation, and mitigation activities. The dialogue aimed to provide a space for open discussion, share knowledge, […]
Livelihood Camp 2024 (Paris, France)
Yagasu is proud to have been part of the Livelihoods Camp 2024, hosted by our esteemed grant donor, Livelihoods Venture From March 11th to 13th, 2024. Our team, represented by Meilinda Suriani Harefa (Managing Director), Riza Aditya (Program Director), Fauziah Damayanti (General Affairs Director), and Anton Siregar (Restoration Manager), had the privilege to participate in […]
Mangrove Planting Event with the North Sumatra Branch of the Ministry of Finance and YAGASU in Rugemuk Village, Pantai Labu, Deli Serdang, North Sumatra
Deli Serdang, North Sumatra – The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, represented by the North Sumatra Ministry of Finance, and the Sumatran Elephant Foundation (YAGASU), came together today to organize a mangrove planting event as part of efforts to preserve the environment and mitigate climate change. This event took place on Saturday, […]
East And Southeast Asia Community Conservation Network (EASACCN) Workshop
In an effort to address the pressing global challenges related to the environment and climate change, several countries that are part of the East and Southeast Asia Community Conservation Network (EASACCN) have organized a historic workshop aimed at finding common solutions and promoting regional cooperation in tackling these issues. The workshop took place at the […]
Collected Mangrove Planting In Commemoration Of World Mangrove Day
Thursday, July 27 2023, Yagasu (Yayasan Gajah Sumatera), supported by VNV Advisory, planted mangroves with the government and the community in Paluh Sibaji Village, Pantai Labu District, Deli Serdang Regency. The event which was attended by the community and government agencies is a concrete step in efforts to restore coastal ecosystems and increase synergy with […]
Lomba Fotografi, Video Singkat, Poster, dan Karya Ilmiah (26 Juni – 26 Juli 2023)
Yagasu (Yayasan Gajah Sumatra) adalah sebuah Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) yang berfokus pada konservasi alam dan mitigasi lingkungan dan perubahan iklim dan pemberdayaan masyarakat lokal melalui restorasi hutan mangrove di pesisir pulau Sumatra dan Jawa. Sampai saat ini, Yagasu telah berhasil mengikutsertakan masyarakat pesisir, komunitas, hingga pemangku kebijakan, untuk menanam mangrove baru di lahan seluas 28.000 […]
East Java Mangrove Festival (III)
After successfully holding the First and Second Mangrove Festivals located in Nguling, Pasuruan on August 30 2022 and at the Madura State Polytechnic on December 4 2022. This time the Third Mangrove Festival was held at Wisata Bahari Tlocor and Pulau Lusi, Kedungpandan, Jabon, Sidoarjo. The Mangrove Festival this time is one of the efforts […]
Yagasu Conducted Mangrove Forest Inventory with Local Government and Communities in 4 Villages in North Sumatra
Yagasu (Yayasan Gajah Sumatra), in collaboration with the village government and communities, supported by GMT (Global Mangrove Trust), conducted inventory research of mangrove forests in 4 villages, including Pulau Kampai, Pangkalan Siata, Halaban, and Salahaji located in North Sumatra, Indonesia. The project was carried out from November 2022 until January 2023. Forest inventory is the […]
YAGASU, DAAI TV, AND PT. Sumatera Timberindo Industri Planted Mangrove Trees in Tanjung Rejo, North Sumatra
In collaboration with DAAI TV and PT Sumatera Timberindo Industri, Yagasu planted 381 mangrove trees around an ecotourism site in Tanjung Rejo, North Sumatra on Saturday, 6 May 2023. This activity was held to commemorate earth day 2023. Yagasu is an Indonesian-based NGO with over 20 years of experience in community-based mangrove restoration in coastal ecosystems. […]
Mangrove Education And Silvofishery Study
Yagasu Yayasan Gajah Sumatra), in collaboration with the PSL (Natural Resources Management Study Program) of USU (Universitas Sumatera Utara), held mangrove education activities and silvofishery development for fisher communities. Monday, November 14th, 2022, Yagasu (Yayasan Gajah Sumatra), in collaboration with the PSL (Natural Resources Management Study Program) of USU (Universitas Sumatera Utara), held mangrove education […]
Mangrove Education for Medan State University Students
Yagasu team and the exchange students from all over Indonesia carried out a Mangrove planting activity, this planting was carried out in the estuary area of Kampung Nelayan Indah, Belawan.The students who join this student exchange are students who take part in the Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka (PMM) program organized by the Ministry of Education and […]
MOA And Ia Signing With University Of North Sumatra
The collaboration between Yayasan Gajah Sumatera (Yagasu) and Faculty of Natural Resources and Environmental Management (PSL) of University of North Sumatra is one of the efforts of the University of North Sumatra and Yayasan Gajah Sumatera to build cooperation network and support for Merdeka Belajar and Kampus Merdeka program (MBKM) by the Ministry of Education and […]
Mangrove Festival in East Java
Yagasu, in collaboration with the East Java Provincial Government and Pasuruan Regency Government, held the first Mangrove Festival in East Java. This Mangrove Festival activity directly involved the CEO of Yagasu, Mr. Bambang Suprayogi, the Governor of East Java, Ms. Khofifah Indar Parawansa, the Regent of Pasuruan, Mr. Irsyad Yusuf, and the people of East […]
Mangrove Processing Training in Danau Siombak
Yagasu Team conducted training on food processing from mangrove fruit with mothers and young people in Danau Siombak, Paya Pasir, Medan Marelan District. The abundance of Mangrove fruit around Danau Siombak is a shame if it is not utilized, the Mangrove fruit can be used as food and drinks that are nutritious and have economic […]
Mangrove Patrol
Yagasu Team with UPT. KPH 3 Langsa, and the Sungai Lueng village community group carried out mangrove patrol activities in Sungai Lueng Village, East Langsa District, Langsa City.This Mangrove Patrol is routinely carried out by Yagasu which aims to observe the condition of the Mangrove forest, and then identify events encountered in the forest and […]
Yagasu 21st Photo & Poster Contest
From the masterpiece hand from the participants throughout Indonesia, the judges had a tough job, finally 9 winners were chosen from the photo and poster competition for Yagasu’s 21st birthday. We express our deepest gratitude for the enthusiasm and participation of the participants who have participated in the Yagasu photo and poster contest. The following […]
Awareness Activity
On Thursday (July 21, 2022) the Yagasu Team carried out a school visiting activity by visiting the Al-Azhar school in Medan. At this school visit, Yagasu gave an environmental understanding of Mangrove and Mangrove Ecosystems to high school students.At this School Visiting, the understanding of environmental material was directly conveyed by the program director of […]
Webinar Nasional Yagasu (26 Juli 2022)
Yagasu (Yayasan Gajah Sumatra) adalah sebuah Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) yang berfokus pada konservasi alam dan mitigasi lingkungan dan perubahan iklim dan pemberdayaan masyarakat lokal melalui restorasi hutan mangrove di pesisir pulau Sumatra dan Jawa. Sampai saat ini, Yagasu telah berhasil mengikutsertakan masyarakat pesisir, komunitas, hingga pemangku kebijakan, untuk menanam lebih dari 30 juta mangrove baru […]
Lomba Fotografi Dan Poster Yagasu (1 – 24 Juli 2022)
Yagasu (Yayasan Gajah Sumatra) adalah sebuah Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) yang berfokus pada konservasi alam dan mitigasi lingkungan dan perubahan iklim dan pemberdayaan masyarakat lokal melalui restorasi hutan mangrove di pesisir pulau Sumatra dan Jawa. Sampai saat ini, Yagasu telah berhasil mengikutsertakan masyarakat pesisir, komunitas, hingga pemangku kebijakan, untuk menanam lebih dari 30 juta mangrove baru […]
Yagasu and PLN Peduli Inaugurated Rumah Baca (Reading House) Merah Putih In Danau Siombak , North Sumatra
The Yagasu Team with PLN Peduli inaugurated the Rumah Baca (reading house) Merah Putih in Siombak Lake, Paya Pasir Village, Medan Marelan District, Medan City. The inauguration of the reading house was attended by the Program Director of Yagasu, Melinda Suriani Harefa, Manager of the Paya Pasir Gas Power Center (ULPLTG) Service Unit, Hendri Prianto, […]
Yagasu Planted 25.000 Mangrove Trees With Community In Aceh Jaya
This planting activity was attended by Yagasu’s Program Director and staff members, as well as the Government including Assistant II of Aceh Jaya Regional Secretariat, DLHK (Department of Environment and Fisheries) of Aceh Province, UPTD KPH (Forest Management Unit) Region I Aceh, BKSDA (Center for Conservation of Natural Resources) Aceh, DKP (Department of Marine and […]
Sharing The Blessings Of Ramadhan, Yagasu Distributes Sembako (Staple Food) To Community
(Yagasu’s HRD Manager, Dedy Ibrahimsyah, was giving a package of sembako (staple food) to the community)The representative of Yagasu staff said the food aid was a form of Yagasu’s concern for the community around Yagasu’s head office on Jl. Sei Batu Gingging, Medan Selayang.The Ramadan packages were given to the poor, the elderly, workers and […]
Village Regulation Signing – Lhok Timon Village, Aceh
The signing of this regulation was attended by Yagasu’s Program Director, Meilinda Suriani Harefa, Keuchik (The Head) and Tuha Peut (Village Deliberation Agency) of Lhok Timon Village.(Program Director of Yagasu, Meilinda Suriani Harefa, was explaining the objectives of the village regulation)(Head of Paluh Kurau Village was signing a village regulation on Mangrove protection)The main objective […]
Silvofishery Harvest Monitoring In Paluh Kurau Village, North Sumatra
Yagasu’s Social and Business Manager, Jodi Akbar, explained that this monitoring activity aims to assess the success rate of silvofishery ponds as the basis of program evaluation and strategic planning.(Silvofishery harvesting by pond farmers in Paluh Kurau Village, North Sumatra)Silvofishery is an aquaculture system that combines fishery business with mangrove planting, which can increase pond […]
Environmental Awareness Program For Students In Three Schools In Aceh Province
The Mangrove tree planting activity, as described by Yagasu’s Social and Business Manager, Jodi Akbar, is one of regular work programs of the Social and Business division named Awareness Activity. Jodi explained that this program aims to introduce school students to mangrove ecosystem and teach them environmental awareness so that they can understand the value […]
Oyster And Mangrove-based Foods Products Processing Training In Gampong Tibang, Banda Aceh
Yagasu’s Social and Business Manager, Jodi Akbar, explained that this program aims to facilitate women in coastal areas in Gampong Tibang training on oyster and mangrove-based foods products processing. This activity is also one of the of Yagasu’s main vision which is maintaining the sustainability of the mangrove ecosystem by providing new economic resources for […]
Circular Bioeconomy Alliance (Cba) Member’s Meeting In Dumfries House, Scotland
Circular Bioeconomy Alliance (CBA) was established by His Royal Highness Prince of Wales in 2020, consisting of inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations, companies, and investors who provide expertise and implement projects in areas related to the circular bioeconomy. CBA, led by Marc Palahi, aims to accelerate the transition to a circular bioeconomy that is climate neutral, […]
Celebrating One Million Tree Movement Day: Yagasu And The Reiz Artotel Curated Planted 200 Mangrove Trees
This Mangrove tree planting activity was conducted in commemoration of the one million tree movement day.Before planting Mangrove trees, Yagasu gave the staffs of The Reiz Suites Artotel Curated some explanation about Mangrove ecosystem, Mangrove species, and their benefits.(Yagasu team was explaining about Mangrove and its ecosystem to The Reiz Suites Artotel Curated staffs) (Mangrove planting […]
Yagasu Supported Mangrove Planting By Brackish Water Cultivation Fisheries Center Along With Ministry Of Oceans And Fisheries
Yagasu supported Mangrove planting activities conducted by the Brackish Water Cultivation Fisheries Center (BPBAP) of Ujung Batee, along with the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.(The Inauguration of ecological-based vaname shrimp cultivation pilot cluster in the Aceh Tamiang region)(Mangrove Planting with the Brackish Water Cultivation Fisheries Center (BPBAP) of Ujung Batee)This planting was in the […]
Yagasu Arranged Training On Agroforesty Planting In Margamulya Village, West Java
Yagasu conducted training on Agroforestry planting in Margamulya Village, Bandung Regency, West Java. (Yagasu team was giving a training to farmers in Margamulya Village) (Training on Agroforestry Planting by Yagasu team) The planting training was attended by the representative of CDK (Forestry Branch Offices) Region V West Java, Sonson Garnida, S.Hut, chairman and representatives of […]
Yagasu Along With Gmni And Walhi Hosted A Workhop Themed “Youth Against Climate Crisis’
Yagasu’s Research and Monitoring Manager, Grace Yanti Panjaitan, was invited as one of the speakers to deliver a lecture about Optimizing the role of young people in overcoming the climate crisis through mitigation. (Yagasu’s Research and Monitoring Manager was delivering a lecture about Optimizing the role of young people in overcoming the climate crisis through […]
Training On Mangrove- Based Foods And Batik By Yagasu: Empowering Women In Coastal Communities In Situbondo, East Java
The training was attended by women and young women of Situbondo, East Java. This activity aims to help the women of Situbondo be able to process Mangrove plants into Batik crafts and food products. (Mangroved-based foods processing training by Yagasu in Situbondo, East Java) (Batik Training by Yagasu in Situbondo, East Java) It is expected […]
Training On Mangrove- Based Foods And Batik By Yagasu: Empowering Women In Coastal Communities In Dringu Village, East Java
The training was attended by women and young women of Dringu Village, Probolinggo, East Java.(Mangrove-based foods processing training by Yagasu in Dringu Village)(Batik training by Yagasu in Dringu Village)This activity aims to help the women of Dringu Village be able to process Mangrove plants into Batik crafts and food products.It is expected that the women […]
Moa Signing With Universitas Samudra: Yagasu Continues Strengthening Its Network To Support Merdeka Belajar And Kampus Merdeka
The collaboration between Yagasu and Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Universitas Samudra is one of Yagasu’s efforts to build cooperation network and support for Merdeka Belajar and Kampus Merdeka program (MBKM) by the Ministry of Education and Culture.Yagasu and Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Universitas Samudra signed a Memorandum of Agreement […]
Supporting Kampus Merdeka And Merdeka Belajar Program, Yagasu Signed A Moa With Universitas Negeri Medan
Yagasu and Universitas Negeri Medan, represented by French Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Language and Arts, Universitas Medan signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA).This MoA was signed by the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Medan, Dr. Abdurahman Adisaputera, M. Hum. along with the Head of the French Language Education Study […]
Mou Signing With West Java Provincial Forestry Service
The MoU was signed directly by the CEO of Yagasu, Mr. Bambang Suprayogi, and the Head of West Java Provincial Forestry Service, Mr. Epi Kustiawan.(The CEO of Yagasu, Bambang Suprayogi was signing the MOU between Yagasu and West Java Provincial Forestry Service)This MOU contains agreements related to the development of climate disaster resilient villages in […]
Village Regulation Signing – Paluh Kurau Village, North Sumatra
Yagasu, Unimed, and Paluh Kurau Village Community held a meeting to sign the Village Regulation (Perdes) for the protection of the Mangrove forest in Paluh Kurau Village. The signing of this regulation was attended by Mr. Selamat (the Head of Paluh Kurau Village), Mr. Jamah S. (Chairman of Paluh Kurau Village Deliberation Agency), Mr. Muslih […]
Celebrating The World Tree Day, Yagasu Conducted Mangrove Tree Planting Activity
The mangrove tree planting activity, as described by Yagasu’s Social and Business Manager, Jodi Akbar, is one of regular work programs of the social and business division named Awareness Activity. Jodi explained that this program aims to introduce school students to mangrove ecosystem and teach them environmental awanerss so that they can understand the value […]
Training On Mangrove-based Foods Processing By Yagasu: Empowering Women In Coastal Communities
Yagasu’s Social and Business Manager, Jodi Akbar, explained that this program aims to facilitate women in coastal areas in Pulau Kampai Village training on mangrove-based food processing. The program included mangrove-based foods processing into syrup, candy, jam and chips.This activity is also one of the focuses of Yagasu’s main vision which is maintaining the sustainability […]
Agroforestry Program Launching And Socialization In West Java
The agroforestry program socialization was opened by the Headman of Margamulya Village, Mr. Suhendra Rohmani, followed by Mrs. Meilinda Suriani Harefa (Program Director of Yagasu), the representative of Ministry of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration, Mr. Sumarlan (Director of Harmonization of Utilization of Natural Resources and the Environment) and Mr. Heldo Marta (Coordinator […]
Research On Carbon Stocks In Mangrove Forest By Yagasu: A Global Climate Mitigation
Research on carbon stocks as described by Yagasu’s Research and Monitoring Manager, Grace Yanti Panjaitan, is one of regular work programs of the research and monitoring division. Grace explained that carbon stock is the average value of carbon stored in plant bodies and soil which generally uses units of tonC per Ha. The stored carbon […]
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